Help Rescuing Tapes

Looking for a Dragon or CoCo game not already in the archive - Then request it here and hopefully it will either be uploaded to the archive or another member can upload it to this forum.
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Re: Help Rescuing Tapes

Post by admin »

And the patch was??
Simon Hardy
Posts: 1474
Joined: Mon Jul 21, 2008 1:18 am

Re: Help Rescuing Tapes

Post by zephyr »

Its a simple one byte patch in the machine code routine that sets up the RAM hooks. The patch results in the RAM hook at $019a-019c (Get next command) being set up to point to a slightly higher address.
Posts: 675
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Re: Help Rescuing Tapes

Post by Alastair »

zephyr wrote:
Alastair wrote:I'd just like to point out that I have now tested the archive's copy of the Ket trilogy with XRoar and have found no problems, not even a mention of any op code error.
By default Xroar doesn't report illegal op codes. :?
I was unaware of that, I assumed that any errors would be logged in "stderr.txt" (where the only warnings I have concern the lack of joysticks). In any event, I was addressing any concerns anyone using the archive's copies may have had in running them on XRoar.
zephyr wrote:
Alastair wrote:However reconverting these CAS files back into wave files with DC does cause a problem, so for the time being Ciaran's wave conversion seems the best bet.
Surely my patched version is the best bet? You are getting the 100% original game without the illegal op code bug.
It was not my intention to slight your effort in creating patched the files, I mentioned Ciaran's wave files because the thread was originally about creating wave files from certain CAS files, and at the time I did not realise that your patched version also contained wave files.
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