Zaxxon by Steve Bjork

Looking for a Dragon or CoCo game not already in the archive - Then request it here and hopefully it will either be uploaded to the archive or another member can upload it to this forum.
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Re: Zaxxon by Steve Bjork

Post by briza »

snarkhunter wrote:
Yes, that's the one!
Please note that, in order to run this game, you need to:
- Open the proper ".VDK" file first (cf above),
- Then load the game (i.e. LOAD "ZAXXON.BIN")
- Then EXEC15520 (... I saved you the trouble of finding the proper EXEC vector!)

It's only in B&W, but I don't know whether or not there ever was any colour option available for this game. And this is indeed the Steve Bjork version, running without any trouble on the Dragon.
Hi Guys.

Zaxxon was done in color on the coco. But it was using the Pmode4(Black/White mode) artifact trick to achieve the colors. Only way to see the colors is using a emulator or getting your hands on a TV that does NTSC format. This is what I do to see artifact colors on my coco 3 Ntsc unit I got from America. Based in Australia means we also cannot see a lot of the games in color.


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Re: Zaxxon by Steve Bjork

Post by samplefiend »

hi all,

is it possible to get this version of Zaxxon as a .cas or .wav file so I can see if it works on my hardware Dragon please? I used to have this on a C-90 cassette back in the day and didn't realise it wasn't an actual Dragon game. It was brilliant though and I'd love to play it again. can i extract it from the vdk file and how would I go about it? i found a version that is in .pak format but it seems to be in colour on the emulator i tried it with which doesn't look as good as the b&w version here and I don't know how to change it into a wav either. d'oh!

any help greatly appreciated from a newbie.

love n hugs,

craig xxx
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Re: Zaxxon by Steve Bjork

Post by snarkhunter »

... Here it is!

And just in case you should ever need the m/c vectors in order to re-save this game, these are as follows : 15520, 32440, 15520

(CLOADM / EXEC to load, then run, the game ; running this game in "DOS" mode requires running UNBOOT first)

Best regards,
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Re: Zaxxon by Steve Bjork

Post by samplefiend »

hi lionel,

many many thanks for uploading the Zaxxon file i requested. I've just loaded it up on my Dragon 32 and it worked a treat. All i need to remember now is to Press Q instead of 1 to get the game going. Hours of fun ahaead of me tonight thanks to you!

cheers mate

craig xxx
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