bum files

Looking for a Dragon or CoCo game not already in the archive - Then request it here and hopefully it will either be uploaded to the archive or another member can upload it to this forum.
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Re: bum files

Post by sixxie »

admin wrote: I'll add it to the todo list unless somebody else wants to use the XROAR "tapemangle" edition to re-rip from the original tape...
I could certainly do that if you want to post tapes around. Or easier still if you have enough time to just sample the tape?
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Re: bum files

Post by chrispoacher »

Hi there,

don't know if this helps at all but I've noticed that some games really dont like working when there is a dos cartridge inserted, either in the emulator or on the real thing. Took me a while to work this out but it's a simple fix. either run without dos in the emulator, run a dos detatch program or rip the cartridge out. :O)
Most of the Blaby games will spit the dummy loading from cassette files with dos running, whereas nearly all the microdeal ones work fine.

btw, I have working versions of esg on .cas and on a disk image if anyone wants.

Chris Poacher.
Posts: 1474
Joined: Mon Jul 21, 2008 1:18 am

Re: bum files

Post by zephyr »

This has been mentioned before, but Steve Woolham's enhanced D32 ROM v2.1is the best for this as it gives you the option to disable DOS every time the machine is switched on or cold reset.

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