Martech games

Looking for a Dragon or CoCo game not already in the archive - Then request it here and hopefully it will either be uploaded to the archive or another member can upload it to this forum.
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Martech games

Post by robcfg »

I recently learned of the existence of the games Conflict and Galaxy Conflict for the Dragon, among other computers.

It seems to be quite rare, but It would be nice to be able to preserve them.

I'm including the ad from TakodanTweets on Twitter (look for other nice ad scans), and pictures of the game boxes found on Reddit.

If anyone knows about them or has them, please get in touch!

Conflict - Galaxy Conflict - Martech GAmes AD.png
Conflict - Galaxy Conflict - Martech GAmes AD.png (455.17 KiB) Viewed 17276 times
dobbs1ry60361.jpg (54.79 KiB) Viewed 17276 times
lyth70ry60361.jpg (52.31 KiB) Viewed 17276 times
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Re: Martech games

Post by admin »

In all my years of preserving games for the Dragon - I was never able to prove these ever existed for the Dragon outside of the advert. They have not shown up in any of the reviews I have seen to date or in any "news" etc. in the magazines of the day. Would be nice if they were out there - but like a few others who advertised a Dragon 32 version but never made or released the port as the Dragon was not the huge commercial success they thought it might be.
Simon Hardy
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Re: Martech games

Post by admin »

pub_martech (1).jpg
pub_martech (1).jpg (172.97 KiB) Viewed 17246 times
Later advert - having dropped the Dragon 32 version
Simon Hardy
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Re: Martech games

Post by .mad. »

i have the Commodore 64 versions of these.

They are written in BASIC, so maybe you can convert them to Dragon.

Here are TEXT versions of the C64 listings for you to look at.
martech (C64-TXT).zip
(24.03 KiB) Downloaded 746 times
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Re: Martech games

Post by robcfg »

Thanks a lot for these!
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