Monitors... Dream Bug cassette and Dragbug?

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Monitors... Dream Bug cassette and Dragbug?

Post by bluearcus »

Does anyone have working copies of these?

AllDream, DosDream and DskDream are in the archive obviously, and there's an AllDream manual knocking around. DosDream seems to have a cut-down version of DreamBug though (no breakpoint support).

Can't see Dream Bug cassette version anywhere though, and the version of Dragbug crashes on load for me in Xroar, plus there doesn't seem to be a manual?

Uploads appreciated, if anyone has them.


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Re: Monitors... Dream Bug cassette and Dragbug?

Post by pser1 »

the copy in the archive works for me.
Just remember to do this before loading the program:
CLEAR 200,&H67FE
It loads in the high part of the RAM, so if you don't do that it overwrites the stack so crashing the machine.

Have you tried DskDream?
I like it and if you don't mind to work with cas files, then consider ENCODER09

On the other side, when you have to build big programs it is very interesting a cross compiler and there are two that
work flawlessly for the 6809/6309:
- ASM6809 (Ciaran Anscomb)
- LWASM (W. Astle)

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Re: Monitors... Dream Bug cassette and Dragbug?

Post by pser1 »

sorry, I forgot to attach a mini-manual I found ...
It is only two pages describing shortly the allowed functions, I hope it helps

Manual for
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Re: Monitors... Dream Bug cassette and Dragbug?

Post by pser1 »

two final notes ...
a) it doesn't load with any DOS enabled!
b) despite the note that came with the files tells us to do CLEAR200,&H67FE
The manual says CLEAR 200,20000 to 'make' a protected hole for code, I assume

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Re: Monitors... Dream Bug cassette and Dragbug?

Post by bluearcus »

Thanks Pere... that's massively helpful.

Dskdream is an option, but my project is writing stuff to get disk images on and off my Dragon 32/64 machine via the serial port, so until I've written the stuff to do this, (which is what I want the debugger for) I can't easily get Dskdream going on the actual real hardware. And as Xroar doesn't do serial port stuff, I can only debug serial transfer problems on the actual machine.

Hence the idea to look at Dreambug standalone (tape) or Dragbug. The missing manual details for Dreambug (CLEAR command) is good to know, but the info that Dragbug is no use with disk obviously means no good for my project.

I think I will be looking at whether the Dreambug part of AllDream is relocatable next then!

Thanks for your help!

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Re: Monitors... Dream Bug cassette and Dragbug?

Post by pser1 »

bluearcus wrote: Dskdream is an option, but my project is writing stuff to get disk images on and off my Dragon 32/64 machine via the serial port, so until I've written the stuff to do this, (which is what I want the debugger for) I can't easily get Dskdream going on the actual real hardware. And as Xroar doesn't do serial port stuff, I can only debug serial transfer problems on the actual machine.
I assume that this is a 'yet defined' project and as so, it cannot be changed ....
The best way to move VDK files between a Dragon and a PC is Drivewire because of its speed (57.600 bauds)
You just need an adapter (for instance the one from Tormod Volden)
And then install my DOSPlus50 extender. You could find the last version here
viewtopic.php?f=5&t=5363&hilit=drivewir ... r&start=50

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Re: Monitors... Dream Bug cassette and Dragbug?

Post by pser1 »

bluearcus wrote: I can't easily get Dskdream going on the actual real hardware
What kind of problem have you found?
I have a 3,5" floppy that contains DskDream and I can start it on my Dragon64
in mode 32 without any problem.

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Re: Monitors... Dream Bug cassette and Dragbug?

Post by bluearcus »

My project is to write some tools to transfer Disk images to and from my real Dragon to a PC over the serial port. Yes, DriveWire would do it, but I'd like to create some tools that work with what I have... I bought the RS232 add on board years ago but never really used it.

I don't think there's any problem with using DskDream, except I don't have a physical disk with it on (yet!). Anyway, my first stage has been to write a serial port loader for DragonDOS .BIN files which I have working now so I am able to quickly load .BIN files, rather than using a slow 300baud link and a BASIC program. I'm assembling on the PC using Ciaran's exellent asm6809, simply because using Dream on the Dragon is a lot less comfortable than using a nice PC editor, screen and keyboard.

I see from the contents of the DskDream disk that I will be able to simply use this serial loader to load the dskdream .BIN file once I extract that from the VDK, so that will help a lot - thank you.

Next tools will be a disk image receiver to allow me to create physical disks from virtual ones and an exporter to generate virtual disk image files on the PC end from my real disks. i'm trying to do this stuff as much as possible using the serial port hardware to allow people to archive stuff that way!

Hopefully, once I've done, these might be of use to other people for archiving purposes.


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Re: Monitors... Dream Bug cassette and Dragbug?

Post by pser1 »

Hi Mike,
I love the compiler ASM6809 too, in fact is the one I have used for all of my projects.
Good luck with that project!
Right now, you can find out there some special solutions, out of the box, based on the use of micro SD cards
for instance the CoCo-SDC sold by Ed Snider and the HxC from Lotharek
And both allow the use of floppy drives at the same time ...

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