Looking for a program to read tape file header

Looking for a Dragon or CoCo game not already in the archive - Then request it here and hopefully it will either be uploaded to the archive or another member can upload it to this forum.
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Looking for a program to read tape file header

Post by Vato »

I vaguely remember that back in the eighties I had a small program that I used to read the header of a cassette program file, and output the start address of the code, the length and the EXEC-address.

Does anyone have that program? I just got a disk drive up and working with my Dragon, and would like to transfer some programs to disk.
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Re: Looking for a program to read tape file header

Post by robcfg »

Maybe the tape analyzer from Programmers Utilities could be of help.
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Re: Looking for a program to read tape file header

Post by Vato »

robcfg wrote:Maybe the tape analyzer from Programmers Utilities could be of help.
Yupp! That program does what I was looking for. Thanks again Rob.
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Re: Looking for a program to read tape file header

Post by robcfg »

You are welcome!

I also uploaded the manual sheet to the wiki page.
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Re: Looking for a program to read tape file header

Post by fridgemagnet »

I also wrote this : http://www.onastick.clara.co.uk/tapedit.htm

which may be of some use.
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Re: Looking for a program to read tape file header

Post by Vato »


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