And all because ????

Looking for a Dragon or CoCo game not already in the archive - Then request it here and hopefully it will either be uploaded to the archive or another member can upload it to this forum.
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Makin' Magic
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And all because ????

Post by Makin' Magic »

Is it possible to get this to work on Xroar ? If so how ? (NB. Mac version)
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Re: And all because ????

Post by Alastair »

The following two lines cause the problem:

Code: Select all

18000 POKE65494,0:MOTORON
With real hardware the FOR/NEXT loop will be over before the tape reaches the machine code segment, but this is not the case with XRoar and this site's current copy of And All Because.... Either a new version of And All Because... with an extended gap before the machine code segment needs to be created or the BASIC program modified before it is run. In the latter case CLOAD the program as normal then type

Code: Select all

18010 CLOADM
before RUNning the game (for some reason removing MOTOR ON from line 18000 does not work, which suggests that there is another MOTOR ON command elsewhere).

P.S. From what I have so far seen this game may be another contender for one of the worst games ever.
Makin' Magic
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Re: And all because ????

Post by Makin' Magic »

That won't work because it needs load fast with headers enabled - doing this and then skipf:cloadm doesn't even work.
It seems extended headers are only added to fix the loading of the first dragon file in either the wav or cas file i.e. the headers aren't being added when it does the cloadm from the headerless mc file.
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Re: And all because ????

Post by sixxie »

Here's a version with the leader before "GRAPHIC" patched to be long enough to account for that arbitrary delay before loading.

I'm not convinced this is a good dump though, it seems really buggy!
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Re: And all because ????

Post by Alastair »

Makin' Magic wrote:That won't work because it needs load fast with headers enabled - doing this and then skipf:cloadm doesn't even work.
What won't work, a modified .cas file or editing the BASIC program before you run it? If you are suggesting the latter then I can tell you that I did get the m/c segment to load after I had changed line 18010. (This is using XRoar in Dragon 32 with no DOS cartridge configuration and the .cas file from 'and all because (1983)(b&h software).zip' that is available in the archive.)
sixxie wrote:I'm not convinced this is a good dump though, it seems really buggy!
The 'b' in the file name does mean 'bad dump' so perhaps there are problems other than the loading issue addressed above.
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Re: And all because ????

Post by zephyr »

Try the attached copies.
All Because The Lady Loves Milky Chocs (1983)B&H Software)[!].zip
(27.86 KiB) Downloaded 361 times
All Because The Lady Loves Milky Chocs (1983)B&H Software)[h Zephyr].zip
(27.74 KiB) Downloaded 350 times
Makin' Magic
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Re: And all because ????

Post by Makin' Magic »

I don't have a "real" dragon anymore - only Xroar on Mac and as I said I'm guessing that there's some limitation on how the missing header issue is addressed in Xroar itself.
Having said that I haven't tried any of these new versions you've added yet, am just about to do so now....
Makin' Magic
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Re: And all because ????

Post by Makin' Magic »

Got the zephyr version to work - problem with the keys used - have fixed these up to the driving level as "o" up, "l" down,"k" left and ";" right on my Mac keyboard - keys on the horse jumping are still shift and 6/^ to jump. o (up) and l (down) on the driving section - not yet got through that so rest of keys may still need fixing for Xroar.
Attached is the new basic in its own cas file - the cloadm is modified to skipf:cloadm so that after loading the new basic version you just need to set the Xroar input cassette to the zephyr cas file. NB. enable key translation.
All Because
And all because partially fixed for Xroar
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