Larkspur Waldorf

Looking for a Dragon or CoCo game not already in the archive - Then request it here and hopefully it will either be uploaded to the archive or another member can upload it to this forum.
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Larkspur Waldorf

Post by daelectron »

I came across these two games recently but neither has any instructions and it seems that the CAS version of the second one doesn't work properly. It seems to start ok but when you start moving around, the new text doesn't scroll properly and becomes impossible to read.

Does anyone have any working copies of these games? They have the feel of being quite rare.
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Re: Larkspur Waldorf

Post by zephyr »

I have just uploaded working copies of both games to the Uploads section.
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Re: Larkspur Waldorf

Post by daelectron »

Hmmm, I've been strugging to play both of these today. They load finally which is brilliant but I don't know what the aim of the mission is or what I am supposed to do.

Does anyone have the instructions on how to play them?
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Re: Larkspur Waldorf

Post by sorchard »

The instructions I have are pretty short:
You control the luckless Larkspur Waldorf. He is trapped inside a deserted castle on a high rocky outcrop. You must help him to escape.

Controlling Larkspur
When prompted with ">", you can enter a one or two word command eg. "LOOK" or "GO NORTH". Pressing <CLEAR> causes the command to be ignored - this replaces a standard backspace.
Hint: Larkspur will need a parachute to escape from the castle.


I have a hint sheet containing the following:
Can't open the cabinet?
- Try the hammer
Can't get through the fiery gateway?
- Try the shield for size
Keep getting lost in the tunnels?
- Drop items and make a map
Can't get into the tower?
- Try going up the ladder, to the balcony
Can't get the parachute?
- Give up, it's impossible
Can't get the saw?
- Activate the idol
Can't move the raft?
- You need a paddle
Can't activate the idol?
- Try looking in the library
Can't get the magic word?
- You need the magic helmet
Can't get past the locked door?
- You need a key
Can't get out?
- Try the playroom
Keep getting stuck in the waterweeds?
- Tough!
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Re: Larkspur Waldorf

Post by daelectron »

Thanks so much. That helpsheet does in fact allow me to get a little bit further in Larkspur Waldorf Is Trapped, although it's such a bloody slow plodding affair that I have to put on some music whilst playing it.

Does anyone have the Larkspur Waldorf Journey Home instructions? And was the third part ever released?
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Re: Larkspur Waldorf

Post by Alastair »

DaElectron, to speed things up in XRoar press and hold down the F12 key while you await the game's response.
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Re: Larkspur Waldorf

Post by sorchard »

daelectron wrote:Does anyone have the Larkspur Waldorf Journey Home instructions?
I had another look in the loft. I knew I had it somewhere. No hint sheet this time but here are the instructions:
You control the luckless Larkspur Waldorf. He has escaped from a castle and must now find his way home. All he knows is that his city is somewhere to the west, past a forest and some highlands.

Controlling Larkspur
When prompted with ">", you can enter a one or two word command eg. "LOOK" or "GO NORTH". Pressing <CLEAR> causes the command to be ignored - this replaces a standard backspace.
Hint: To get home, Larkspur may need somebody's help...
The inlay says the game is the second in the trilogy but I don't know what the third game is called, or if it even exists.
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Re: Larkspur Waldorf

Post by daelectron »

sorchard, do you happen to have a scanner? Would you be able to scan the inlays? I don't think they exist in any form on the Internet.
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Re: Larkspur Waldorf

Post by sorchard »

I do have a scanner and will gladly scan the inlays when I've figured out how many I need to do. I have quite a lot of stuff that needs sifting through and would like to do things on an industrial scale to make the best use of my time.

Just to be a rotten tease I would add that I have two copies of the first Larkspur game and the inlays are different colours. Presumably the producers used whatever cardboard they had to hand when photocopying :)
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Re: Larkspur Waldorf

Post by daelectron »

Yeah well I really know the feeling. I keep buying more and more retro stuff on eBay and it's piling up in one corner of the room with little order to what needs to be scanned inlay-wise, what is a game that's not on the Dragon Archive and what is a C15 computer cassette that simply "looks interesting".

However, in the hope that encouragement is basically all you need to get going (It usually is with me!) then I'd really be very happy to see what this particular inlay looks like. :-)
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