An old Dragon says hi to all!

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An old Dragon says hi to all!

Post by jltursan »

Glad to be here!, after some time lurking and reading the forums, I've finally decided to register and collaborate to maintain alive the Dragon community :)

About me: I'm 44 years old, male, and the most important thing: I still remember how the Dragon was the first computer I'd used loong time ago, about 1983. Some friends of mine acquired a Dragon 64 and was absolutely amazed with the machine, they've only a couple of commercial programs (Cyruss cart, synther 7, for example); but a lot of listings to type. As we didn't have a tape recorder, each listing needed to be typed every time we wanted to play. Never pushing a power button was a tougher decision! :D
Now, years later I've finished collecting myself quite a lot of Dragon gear: a Dragon 32, a strange Tano Dragon and a Dragon 200, drives, controllers and a lot of software and carts. Also, being a fan of Dragon I cannot resist to get a lot of CoCo hardware & software, being a nicely expanded CoCo3 the best machine of all :)

Btw, big thanks to robcfg, a Dragon fellow who helped me to register in the forum :ugeek:
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Re: An old Dragon says hi to all!

Post by robcfg »

Hey JL, welcome to the forum!

You should thank Rolf Michelsen for that, I only transmitted the message... ;)

As you can see, we're pushing our efforts to preserve the Dragon's software and hardware, like your Delta controller (wink, wink), so any help is welcome.

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Re: An old Dragon says hi to all!

Post by rolfmichelsen »

Welcome aboard!

-- Rolf
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