Screenshot Sizes (Again)

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Screenshot Sizes (Again)

Post by Alastair »

What is the accepted screenshot size for this site? For example, I wanted to add a screenshot to the 'Manic Miner' entry and noted that the existing screenshots are 640x480 though the thumbnails (which I presume are generated automatically) are 300x225. Should all uploaded screenshots be 640x480 and include the full border? And why are the thumbnails such an odd size, would it not be better to have 320x240 (and 160x120) thumbnails, or indeed just upload 320x240 screenshots in the first place?
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Re: Screenshot Sizes (Again)

Post by rolfmichelsen »

Since I made the first version of the Manic Miner page and several other game pages, I just wanted to let everyone know that there is no deep thinking behind the size of the images. I think the 300 pixels wide thumbnails is something i "borrowed" from an already existing page, and it has some value to keep this consistent across a large number of pages. I also value having high resolution versions of the images "backing" the thumbnails. This may not be that important for the screenshots since the native resolution is pretty low, but cassette covers, photos etc should be of "reasonable" resolution so that they can be used for any number of purposes and not just an illustration for the page.

In my view, I think it is far more important keep the set of rules and standards to a minimum as to encourage and make it really easy for people to contribute material.

-- Rolf
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