Time to move on

A forum for members to discuss this site, offer suggestions for improvement etc.
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Time to move on

Post by admin »


Due to a number of factors I am no longer in a position to take an active part in the Dragon community. My involvement dropped dramatically a few years ago with the arrival of my son and now with 2 children family life is taking over.

I will continue to host the wiki and forums as its hosted with other sites and therefore doesn't cost me too much to provide. I am however looking to hand over administration to another - maybe somebody with time to complete the work on the wiki and make this a really useful collection of information.

I still have a host of software on tape and disk (any maybe a couple of carts) that need to be dumped - I *may* decide to sell my collection, but any software I know is not on here will be seperated and offered here 1st before going to ebay.

Simon Hardy
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Re: Time to move on

Post by jmk »

Oh man, sorry to hear this. :( I myself haven't been able to do any 6809 for a while now, due to the need to look at money-making activities instead.

I hope you can find some time in your life for a little bit of Dragonning and that someone can take over.
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Re: Time to move on

Post by Alastair »

this is sad to hear but family is far more important than any computer, a young family more so. Thanks for setting up this site and your continued support with the hosting. And even if you hand over administration to someone else don't forget to pop back every month or so, we wouldn't want you to lose touch with what you created and the Dragon scene, small though it is.

All the best,
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Re: Time to move on

Post by robcfg »

I'll be forever grateful to you for maintaining this nice site, and hope it will still be among us for many years.

I think I could dump carts, cassettes and disks, the only problem would be to send them to Spain. Obviously if you find someone near you who can do the job, it would be cheaper. In any case, anything I can help, just send me a PM.

Don't forget to drop by from time to time to say hello, we'll be glad to hear from you!
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Re: Time to move on

Post by rolfmichelsen »


I'm sorry to hear that you find it necessary to step down and leave your achievements behind. I'm also happy to see people who can actually make the right choices and prioritize when necessary. I'm willing to do whatever I can to keep the site running. I have some experience in running this kind of site, so I can pitch in and do that part. When it comes to site content, I still hope that the community will play an active role, but I can also do my part of editorial work to keep the site high quality and consistent. Let me know, and I'll try to contribute wherever it is most needed.

Cheers, and good luck with family life.

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Re: Time to move on

Post by coops »

Many thanks for all the hard work, it is much appreciated. Hopefully, it wont be goodbye so I'll leave you with the immortal line from Microdeals Android Attack....

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Re: Time to move on

Post by admin »


Thank you for all the kind words - I will still be visiting and contributing to the site but it is now time to see if somebody else can allocate more time that I to adding content etc.

Rolf - If you want me to add your username to the administrators groups then let me know and I will do so.

Simon Hardy
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Re: Time to move on

Post by rolfmichelsen »

admin wrote:Rolf - If you want me to add your username to the administrators groups then let me know and I will do so.
Feel free as long as you are comfortable with it. I'll start peeking around a bit. We should have an email conversation after a while to ensure that no admin tasks are forgotten in the process, but that should probably be moved out of the forum.

-- Rolf
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Re: Time to move on

Post by munkeyboy »

Sorry to hear that you no longer have enough time for this excellent Dragon site, but as others have said family always comes first. They take a lot of time and energy but are the most important and rewarding part of life.
I don't have the necessary skills to maintain the site to a high enough standard, but I do have more time on my hands now (my children are not so small anymore!) and so would be happy to try to upload some content to the site. This would be in about 4-6 weeks time. I do have some software that doesn't seem to be on the archive already. So I will hopefully play a more active role in the site than I have been able to so far (3 operations and a back full of metalwork means I haven't been into the loft for quite a while!).
Thank you for all the effort that you have put into maintaining the Dragon Archive and Community.
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Re: Time to move on

Post by sixxie »

A great shame! I hope you manage to revisit occasionally. I suspect after a time away, it'll get hard to resist!
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