Strange registered users?

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Strange registered users?

Post by zephyr »

I have noticed some strange names after the "Registered users:" on several visits to the site. Some examples of the names I have seen: Registered users: Gigabot [Bot], Yahoo [Bot], Zane [Bot], Skyme [Bot], etc. The names are in grey text, and always have "[Bot]" after them. Can anyone explain why this happens?
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Re: Strange registered users?

Post by Alastair »

And I thought you were talking about the usual users!

What you refer to are indexing robots, often called spiders, they trawl through web pages indexing those pages, usually for search engines. Let's see, Gigabot [Bot] is for Gigablast, Yahoo [Bot] is for Yahoo!!!!!!!, and I'm not sure of the other two you mentioned.
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Re: Strange registered users?

Post by zephyr »

I had guessed that much, but why are they are showing as Registered users?
Posts: 31
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Re: Strange registered users?

Post by lastkill3r »

Cause bots are users, LOL.
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Re: Strange registered users?

Post by zephyr »

Yes, but NOT Registered users. LOL
Site Admin
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Re: Strange registered users?

Post by admin »

I think its to allow them to index the forum content....It is possible to configure forums to only be visible to registered users...
Simon Hardy
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Re: Strange registered users?

Post by lastkill3r »

Point for you ;D
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Re: Strange registered users?

Post by zephyr »

lastkill3r wrote:Point for you ;D

[Editted by Admin as it was messing up the front page]
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Re: Strange registered users?

Post by UnderSerf »

Aw, man, I thought this was the forum for strange users - and they don't get much stranger than I ;)

Anywho - Hi!

Name is Mike Ortloff, SysOp of the (former, long gone) StG leaf node "TattooU" - I was one of the first to run a 6309 in my CoCo back in '92. Even wrote an article about it in the OS/9 UnderGround

Enuff intro - I was just wondering if you allow FTP access to your (SPLENDID!) archive - you have as much Coco stuff as anywhere on the 'Net save maybe (I filled an old 10 gig HD with HIS goodies )- thanx to a carefully worded search term on Google, I found a game my (now 26 YO) archived on your site that my son used to play for a dozen hours at a time (no mean feat for a 6 YO ;)) in the Summer of '92 - Sneaky Snake <VBG>

So, yeah, lemme know what if anything I can or need to do o gain FTP access for D/L


Mike 0
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Re: Strange registered users?

Post by zephyr »

UnderSerf wrote:Name is Mike Ortloff, SysOp of the (former, long gone) StG leaf node "TattooU" - I was one of the first to run a 6309 in my CoCo back in '92. Even wrote an article about it in the OS/9 UnderGround
Hi Mike,

I would be interested in reading your article. Can you supply a copy of that article or a link to it somewhere on the net?

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