Strange registered users?

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Re: Strange registered users?

Post by pser1 »

Hello Mike or zephyr,

I would like to know if any of the assemblers that can run on a Dragon computer are able to accept code for the 6309 as well.
Has anyone tried to make code for a modified Dragon (or in XRoar)?
I know that we can assemble the sources in windows (CCASM would do) but then on the machine i can't imagine how to debug the programm.
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Re: Strange registered users?

Post by zephyr »

pser1 wrote:I would like to know if any of the assemblers that can run on a Dragon computer are able to accept code for the 6309 as well.
See my reply in the "Hints and Tips" section.
pser1 wrote:Has anyone tried to make code for a modified Dragon
Do you have a Dragon with a 63B09E or 63C09E CPU fitted?
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Re: Strange registered users?

Post by pser1 »

Hello zephyr,

I have ordered two units of HD63B09xx or HD63C09xx
Hope to get them soon.
I have seen in the TRS-80 Page that exists a game completly made for and only for the 6309 (on a CoCo3)
It seems to me that the guy that wrote the game should have used a tool to debug his programm
I will try to ask there too

Thanks for you reply on "Hints and Tips"
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Re: Strange registered users?

Post by zephyr »

I have posted the code needed to enable/disable 6309 native mode in the "Hints and Tips" section. Which machines are you going to upgrade with the 63x09e chips?
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Re: Strange registered users?

Post by pser1 »

Hello Zephyr,

I have one Dragon32, one Dragon64 and still some deals going on. I have not opened them by now, but the idea was to make a simple board with the two CPUs in parallel and then enable with a switch one of them (/CE), with the computer turned off.
The board will sit on the CPU socket.
Anyway it would be a pitty if there is no way to debug an assembled program right in the Dragon.
I worked a lot in assembler in the past (nice days and nights!), but for shure I will make mistakes that I will have to discover and I don't like debugging by sending messages to screen / printer / file just to state what code is being run :(
Today this is just one of my hobbies. Besides these litlle beasts I own a beautiful micro-controller board made by EVBplus ( named Dragon12+ !! Its heart is a descendant of our beloved 6809, namely an MC9S12DG256CVPE from Freescale (previously Motorola) and the assemblers of both machines are pretty similar (the differences are not extreme), I think that it will be very nice to see them working together.
A lot of ideas - projects, but very little time, that's life!
Thanks for the info

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Re: Strange registered users?

Post by zephyr »

pser1 wrote: I have one Dragon32, one Dragon64 and still some deals going on. I have not opened them by now, but the idea was to make a simple board with the two CPUs in parallel and then enable with a switch one of them (/CE), with the computer turned off.
The board will sit on the CPU socket.
What (for you) is the advantage of having both 6809e and 63x09e processors in one machine. Why not simply swap the 6809e for the 63x09e?
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Re: Strange registered users?

Post by pser1 »

Hello Zephyr,
I just read this idea somewhere, in fact I found another proposal:
Just piggyback a socket on the 6809 and put the 6309 in the socket, with the use of a switch to work with the original or the 6309 at will.
I can't see any advantage unless the perfomance of the 6309 is going to be mesured and compared to the 6809's one, this way you don't need to change of CPU.
But as you stated, to work with it's better the 6309 in 6809 mode then it will dry less current, so will get less warm and will suffer a lot less.

By the way, I have read that it is possible to configure MESS so that when the compiled program is run, you can get a debugger too (maybe on a CoCo page). I will have a peek deeper at this in order to know if 6309 is supported this way. This will help a lot to people that wants to test the possibilities that offer the new registers and op-codes in native mode. Maybe just for fun . . .
The cross compilers you indicated will do the first part of the job and MESS could be the masterpiece for debuging.
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Re: Strange registered users?

Post by zephyr »

Have you installed them yet?
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Re: Strange registered users?

Post by pser1 »

No, I haven't done it because I still haven't received may last order.
The very first one I made (10 WD2797) arrived in a fairly 3 weeks (came from Singapore)
The second order was a mix: 4 CPU (2 63B09 and 2 63C09), two sound Chips and a Video one, all of them vintage chips to play with.
Unfortunately some days later they sent a mail to me so that I could verify that the image they were sending me was the sound chip I wanted, yes it were!
Later I saw this news in their web page:
Due to China Mid-autumn festival & National Day holidays, they will be closed (From Sep 25th 2012 to Oct 08th 2012).
During this time, customers still can send inquiry, place order, pay to us,
but all the shipment will delay after Oct 08th 2012.
And if it needs another 3 weeks, I hope I will get them by end of October
So, I will patiently wait for them to arrive

I will let you know when I get them. I will use them to replace the MC6809 as you said. It's clearly the best idea.
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Re: Strange registered users?

Post by zephyr »

October is long gone. Have you installed them yet?
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