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Hello All

Post by coops »

Howdy. Ive finally got around to re-involving myself in something that was a prety significant part of my early years, namely the evergreen Dragon 32. At some point Im going to have a crack at getting an emulator going (although not being as technically gifted as most of you appear to be, it could take a long time) and from then on the wife and kids might as well say TTFN while I enjoy some time down memory lane.

Im still getting used to the fact that, apparently, Jason Orbaum and The Expert were one and the same. Doh! Im sure I wrote a letter in 1986 defending his review of Fire Force and put in a paragraph about why The Expert was wrong to say it was any good.

Or something.

Anyway, its a shot in the arm to see so much activity for the Dragon. Cheers.
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Re: Hello All

Post by sixxie »


If you try installing XRoar and have any trouble, please let me know the stumbling blocks and I'll try and update the documentation! Good luck :)

As for the Expert - yeah I think it took me a while to twig, but I did eventually at the time, as the writing style was so similar. He was the best to read I think, bringing much more of the humour, that mags for other platforms had in abundance, to Dragon User.
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Re: Hello All

Post by Alastair »

coops wrote:... evergreen Dragon 32.
Too true, I can't be the only one who turned down the TV's colour so that I could get a restful display. ;)
coops wrote:Im still getting used to the fact that, apparently, Jason Orbaum and The Expert were one and the same. Doh! Im sure I wrote a letter in 1986 defending his review of Fire Force and put in a paragraph about why The Expert was wrong to say it was any good.
Though to be fair, this may have been the time when Paul Burgin took over the reins whilst Jason Orbaum was AWOL.
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Re: Hello All

Post by coops »

Success. Many, many thanks to all those who took the time and effort to make available the programming, you've made a late-thirties man feel like a ten year old.

I mean I feel like i'm ten again not that I feel like...forget it. Im just digging myself a deeper hole.

I may as well prepare you that I may post some late-night drunken messages along the lines of "Just completed Shocktrooper. I am awesome!! Raaaahhh!!!"

I wont be offended if the moderator just deletes them.
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Re: Hello All

Post by coops »

Bah! I had to stop after only a couple of hours. Partly due to the massive headache I gave myself but mainly due to the earache I was was receiving from downstairs. To be fair, there was a box of fireworks that we'd planned to get stuck into tonight. Shame about the weather, we'd postponed it on Thursday as it was due to the rain. Who'se stupid bloody idea was it to have Guy Fawkes night in November anyway? They should have it in July or something. Ok, it'd be a late night what with the lighter nights but, heck, it'd be worth it. You could leave the fireworks next to the barbie so you wouldnt forget about them and crack on once everybody had finished eating.

Oh yes, Ive thought this through.

Anyway, once again the Dragon 32 rocks. I was worried about whether the games would stand the test of time; nostalgia (which isnt as good as it used to be) sometimes plays tricks on the memory. But the ones I worked though still had that magic from back in the day. I couldnt get the joystick functions to work from my keyboard but in all the excitement I would be lying if I said Id read the instructions properly. Save that for another day!

Speak to you all soon.....
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